Parents as Teachers of Financial Literacy

What is Golden Skills ?

Welcome to the GOLDEN SKILLS MOOC, where we aim to empower parents with the necessary knowledge and resources to teach their children about finance and financial literacy!

Financial literacy is a crucial skill that is often overlooked but should be considered on par with other forms of literacy. It’s essential for inclusion in modern society, and individuals lacking appropriate financial literacy skills can often be marginalised and excluded from various life opportunities that are taken for granted by many Europeans.

Through the GOLDEN SKILLS resources, you’ll have access to 32 teaching tools targeting teenagers aged 13 to 19, focusing on topics such as the importance of money in daily life and borrowing money. In addition to this, you can also access the Educational Programme for Parents, which can equip you with the necessary skills to become an advocate for financial literacy in your home.

Interactive Infographics

With the GOLDEN SKILLS project, we make financial literacy engaging and interactive through our range of interactive infographics!

Our interactive infographics are not just your ordinary posters – they’re graphic posters with a twist! They contain QR codes and links that bring young people and parents to a series of educational videos, challenge-based adventure stories, WebQuests, and quizzes that help them build essential skills related to financial literacy.

We understand that financial literacy can be a daunting topic, which is why we’ve made it our mission to make it fun and accessible for everyone. With our interactive infographics, you’ll be able to engage with the material in a new and exciting way that will leave you wanting more.

Educational Programme for Parents

Get ready to become a financial superhero for your family and teach your little ones the tricks of the trade. Our methodology is simple yet powerful. Our educational program aims to develop your financial literacy capacity and support you in your role as a facilitator of family learning.

We’ll teach you how to equip your teenagers with the financial skills they need for real life. No more worrying about their financial future. With our program, you’ll be able to guide them through the ups and downs of money management with confidence. To achieve these goals, we’ve created a series of workshop lesson plans that are perfect for small group settings. You’ll learn all the essential information you need to know, followed by role-playing exercises. We’ll explore both negative and positive financial scenarios, so you’ll be prepared for anything that comes your way.

But that’s not all. We know that managing the learning of young people in online environments can be a challenge, so we’ll introduce you to basic concepts of pedagogy to help you out. We’ll also provide you with a series of tip sheets that you can use as reference tools for years to come.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them

Project Number – 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035188

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